“Un contadino senza terra è come un pesce senz’acqua”.
Cacciati dalle loro terre di lavoro in svariate occasioni (l’ultima volta da una società che produce olio di palma), i contadini di Las Pavas narrano attraverso canzoni la storia del loro spostamento forzato e la loro resistenza.
> Maggiori informazioni
> Premio del pubblico a Parigi
> Al Festival dei Diritti umani di Lugano
> Al Festival Filmar en América Latina di Ginevra
> Al Festival Diritti umani di Lucerna
The story of how the farmer community of Las Pavas have been struggling peacefully in order to stay in their territory and get back their land. The displaced families decide to return to the land from which they have been evicted forcefully several times and where nowadays a huge monoculture Project of African oil palm is flourishing.
A small farming community in Colombia peacefully resists, defending their right to cultivate and live on the land of their ancestors. An agro-industrial farming association tries to drive them out using constant threats and attacks to enforce the monoculture of oil palm. Forcefully displaced from their land on multiple occasions, the community of Las Pavas decides to return, to rebuild their settlements, and restart the cultivation of their own food. Their main instrument of resistance is music; powerful songs that narrate their experiences and become the soundtrack of a tragic story, but full of hope with an ending yet uncertain.
El documental de algo más de 70 minutos es un triste reflejo de la realidad que viven a diario comunidades campesinas, indígenas y afrodescendientes de todo el territorio nacional, quienes no solo son victimas de los grupos armados y del conflicto de más de cinco décadas si no que entran a jugar actores como las multinacionales y grandes emporios económicos.
Esta comunidad que ha sido símbolo de lucha pacifica por sus derechos fue ganadora del premio Nacional de paz 2013 por su lucha abnegada y paciente de más de una década.
Eine kleine, bäuerliche Gemeinschaft in Las Pavas, im Süden Kolumbiens, wird zwecks Palmöl-Monokulturen von einem grossen Agro-Konzern eingeschüchtert, bedroht und schliesslich von ihrem Land vertrieben. Die Kleinbauern planen zurück zu kehren, ihre Siedlungen wieder aufzubauen und ihr Land für den Eigenbedarf zu kultivieren. Doch sie werden wiederum bedroht und attackiert vom «neuen Besitzer» des Landes. Mit Musik machen die Vertriebenen ihre schmerzvollen Erfahrungen publik. Ihre Lieder werden zum eindrücklichen Soundtrack einer tragischen aber noch nicht abgeschlossenen Geschichte und zeugen von einem wunderbaren Beispiel gewaltfreien Widerstands.
Year: 2014
Duration: 70’
Produced by: Fundación Chasquis (Bogotá, Colombia) & Associazione REC (Lugano, Switzerland)
With the support of: Verein Connact, Picó Films
Director: Ricardo Torres
Director of photography: Freddy Bayona
Sound recording: Juan Manuel Peña
Logistics Manager: Regula Gattiker
Original Music: César López & Taty Hermides Manzano, Edwin Torres, Etni Torres, Orlando Ospino, Efraín Alvear.
Format: Video Full HD
Contact in Europe: info@rec.swiss
Contact in the Americas: info@fundachasquis.org
ALGÚN DÍA ES MAÑANA (Tomorrow will come) from REC
Il documentario “Tomorrow will come” fa parte della selezione ufficiale “Doc Outlook International Market” del festival Vision du Réel 2015.